Harmonic Function

Harmonic functions are one of the most important functions in complex analysis, as the study of any function for singularity as well residue we must check the harmonic nature of the function. For any function to be Harmonic, it should satisfy the lapalacian equation i.e., 2 u = 0 .

In this article, we have provided a basic understanding of the concept of Harmonic Function including its definition, examples, as well as properties. Other than this, we will also learn about the steps to identify any harmonic function.

What is Harmonic Function?

A harmonic function is a function which meets two criteria. First, it needs to be smooth, meaning it can be continuously and easily differentiated twice. Second, it must follow a specific rule called Laplace’s equation, expressed as:

\frac{\partial^2u}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2u}{\partial y^2} = 0

Does it refer

In simpler terms, for a function [u(x, y)] to be harmonic, the sum of its second partial derivatives with respect to x and y must be zero.

Harmonic Function Definition

Any smooth function u(x,y) is said to be harmonic if ∇ 2 u = 0.


∇ 2 is the laplacian operator i.e., ∂ 2 /∂x 2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 .

In simple words, if any smooth function u(x, y) satisfy the equation u xx + u yy = 0, then this function u is harmonic fucntion. Where u xx and u yy represent second order partial derivative with respect to x and y respectively.

Examples of Harmonic Function

Some of the common examples of harmonic function are: