Contracts, salaries are approved at special meeting of Belle Plaine Board of Education

A special meeting of the Belle Plaine Community School District Board of Education was held on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room of the Longfellow Elementary.

Members Present: Val Coffman, Ben Reineke, Stephen Beck, Rima Johnson, Alicia Jacobi

Members Absent: None

Administration Present: Chad Straight, Heather Coover, Ryan Devereux

Board Secretary Present: Stacey Kolars

Visitors Present: Interested Patrons

Press Representative: None

The meeting was called to order by President Coffman at 6:30 p.m.


Motion Johnson, second Reineke to approve the agenda. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.


There were no delegations.


1. Approval of Employment of Personnel – Superintendent Straight recommended the board approve the following personnel: Izaak Shedenhelm for Junior High Football Coach and Junior High Wrestling Coach; Brock Flack for Assistant HS Football Coach; Jill Loomis as custodian; Andrew Hermsen as custodian and lunch/mail transport. There was motion by Beck, second by Johnson to approve Superintendent Straight’s recommendations. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

2. Approval of Agreement with Belle Plaine Education Association – There was motion by Jacobi, second by Johnson to approve the negotiated agreement with the Belle Plaine Education Association for the 2022-2023 year. The negotiated agreement consisted of an increase of the base wage on the salary schedule of $1,000 as well as step and lane movement resulting in a 3.58% raise. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

3. Approval of the Issuance of Teacher and Extracurricular Contracts for the 2022-2023 Year – There was motion by Reineke, second by Jacobi to approve the issuance of teacher and extracurricular contracts for the 2022-2023 year. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

4. Approval of Agreement with Teamsters Union – There was motion by Beck, second by Johnson to approve the negotiated agreement with the Teamsters Union for the 2022-2023 year which resulted in an hourly increase of $1.65 of the starting wage and hourly wage for all employees covered under the Teamsters Union (12%-15% increase). All voted “aye.” Motion carried.

5. Approval of Issuance of Teamster Contracts for 2022-2023 – There was motion by Reineke, second by Jacobi to approve the issuance of contracts for the Teamsters Union for the 2022-2023 year. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

6. Action/Discussion on Raises/Employee Contracts for Food Service Employees, Superintendent’s Secretary, Transportation Personnel, Food Service Director and Maintenance Director for the 2022-2023 Year – There was motion by Beck, second by Reineke to approve the contracts and raises in the amount of 3.58% for the salaried positions of Superintendent’s Secretary, Food Service Director, Transportation Director and Maintenance Director as well as $1.65 hourly wage increases for the hourly food service employees and transportation personnel (drivers) for the 2022-2023 year. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

7. Action/Discussion on 2022-2023 Raises/Employment Contracts for Principals, Superintendent, Business Manager, Activity Director(s) for the 2022-2023 Year – There was motion by Johnson, second by Reineke to approve employment contracts and raises in the amount of 3.58% for the Principals, Superintendent, Business Manager and Activity Director(s) as well as adding a year to the Superintendent’s employment contract. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

8. Action/Discussion on Retention One-Time Payments – There was motion by Beck, second by Reineke to approve one-time retention payments for all certified and non-certified positions (with the exception of extra-curricular positions) in the amount of $2,000 per employee for the 2022-2023 year. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

There was motion by Beck, second by Jacobi to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m. All voted, “aye.” Motion carried.

Val Coffman, Board President

Stacey Kolars, Board Secretary