What is Graduation?

Female student with arms crossed

Graduation is the process of a degree being awarded. You must apply for graduation, have a degree audit, and meet all degree requirements to graduate.

Commencement ceremonies recognize the academic achievements of graduation candidates. Participation in the ceremony does not guarantee your degree will be awarded.

Important Dates and Deadlines for Graduation Candidates

Graduation Checklist

  1. Meet with your academic advisor to ensure all degree requirements will be fulfilled by your intended graduation date.
  2. Apply for Graduation : A graduation application is required regardless of whether you plan to participate in the ceremony.
  3. Verify Diploma Information: Log into myUHV Self-Service and verify that Diploma Name and mailing address are correct.
  4. Monitor your UHV student email: Emails regarding commencement, degree awarding, and diplomas will be sent to your UHV student email address.

Note: The final degree audit will begin after final grades post and may take up to 60 days to complete.

Graduation Application

Student Writing in Notebook

Students must apply for graduation BEFORE the deadline indicated for each term in the academic calendar. Students who have not applied for graduation will not be graduated in a given term.

Submit Application

To apply for graduation, you need to access your myUHV Self-Service and click on Degree Progress/Graduation > Apply for Graduation.

Check Status

You can check your graduation status on your myUHV account by looking at Degree Progress/Graduation

Appeal Form

Students who miss the deadline to apply for graduation, can submit an Appeal to Graduate Form within 10 business days after the graduation application closes.

Graduation Application Process

Submit Application

Students must apply for graduation before the deadline indicated for each term in the academic calendar.

College Advisor Review

College Advisor Review

Student's assigned academic advisor does a preliminary review.

Final Degree Audit

Final Degree Audit

A final degree audit occurs once all grades are posted for the graduation semester.

Application Status Updated

Application Status Updated

Your graduation status will change to “Degree Awarded” once your degree is actually awarded.

Graduating with Honors and Honors Cord

Undergraduate students who have completed at least 30 semester hours at UH-Victoria and achieved a grade point average in accordance with the following scale may graduate with honors:

Grade Point Average (GPA):

Note: Graduate students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their respective program; therefore, honor status recognition is not applicable.

Two students

Students who are receiving honors for the commencement ceremony will be notified via their UHV email. The notification will include instructions on how to pick up their honors cord.

Notification Timeline
Spring Graduates End of March
Summer/Fall Graduates End of October

Find out more about our academic honors policies in the UHV catalog.
