Sample copyright assignment form

[Note: This is an "All-Rights" transfer of copyright, i.e., assignor relinquishes all rights under copyright]

FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged [name of assignor] ("Assignor"), located at [insert address], hereby irrevocably transfers and assigns to [name of assignee] ("Assignee), located at [insert address], its successors and assigns, in perpetuity, all right (whether now known or hereinafter invented), title, and interest, throughout the world, including any copyrights and renewals or extensions thereto, in [title and short description of work, including, if available copyright registration number].

IN WITNESS THEREOF, Assignor has duly executed this Agreement.

By:_______________________ By:__________________
[Authorized signature] [Witness//optional]

[Assignor’ title, e.g., Pres., Old New Lompoc Co.)


STATE OF [insert state] )
COUNTY OF [insert county] )

Before me this [insert date] personally appeared: [name of assignor], to me known to be the person who is described in and who executed the foregoing assignment instrument and acknowledged to me that [he/she] executed the same of [his/her] own free will for the purpose therein expressed.

Notary Public

(c) 1997 by Lloyd J. Jassin and Steven C. Schechter. Excerpted from The Copyright Permission and Libel Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers (John Wiley & Sons)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This form is not to be used except under the supervision of a qualified professional. This form does not constitute legal advice. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of this form and compliance with local law.

[Affix to Adult Model Release(s))

I hereby warrant that I am the parent or legal guardian of the above named minor, and further warrant that I am of full age any have the legal authority to execute the above release on behalf of said minor. I have read the above release before signing it and I am fully familiar with its contents. This release shall remain binding upon the minor and me, our successors, assigns, legal representatives and heirs.

___________________ ____________________
Date Father // Mother // Guardian

___________________ ___________________
Minor's Full Name Address

___________________ ___________________
Minor's Address Witness [Optional]

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Co-author of The Copyright Permission & Libel Handbook (John Wiley & Sons)

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