Adobe flash sample projects

This first project in Flash is meant to give you a little practice making things move around the stage. Create a new project and change the FPS to 12. Change the background color to whatever color you like.

Create at least ten balls that will bounce around the stage and off the walls - put each ball on a different layer! Make each ball bounce off the ground, walls, or ceiling at least six times. Make sure your lock each layer after you have finished animated that particular ball.

Save your project as a .FLA file and name it firstname+lastname+ bounce.fla. Export the file as a .SWF and name it the same thing. When you have completed the project, turn in your project to Google Classroom. You will turn in two files!

File Size: 1560 kb
File Type: pdf

Shape Tween

Using the proved tutorial and the example below you are going to create a simple shape tween animation.

File Size: 109 kb
File Type: pdf

Moving Poeple

Using the provided tutorial, we are going to create four moving people.
Important concepts used: Key frames, converting to a symbol, and rotation point

File Size: 6500 kb
File Type: pdf

Motion Path

Using the provided tutorial, we are going to create an simple motion path animation similar to what I have below.

File Size: 175 kb
File Type: pdf

Flying Text

In this project, we will learn how to easily animate the letters in your name.

Using the tutorial you will animate the letters of your first name. We will start this project together, then you will complete on your own. Once you have finished this project, save it as a .FLA file and name it firstname + lastname+ flying. Export the project as a .SWF file. When you have completed the project, submit it to Google Classroom.

File Size: 2179 kb
File Type: pdf

City Animation

In this project, you are going to create a city backdrop and animate a vehicle going down the street.

Use the tutorial as a guide to create your city. Feel free to make it your own and put your own unique look on the city with your own design on the car/bus and your city design.

Make sure you DO NOT have Object drawing turned on or you will not be able to do color fill when you need to!! Please make sure you are paying attention to details!

In addition to the vehicle, you will need to draw another "object" with different animation. Think about adding a flying bird or plane, drifting clouds, or more. Push yourself to do more!

Once you have finished this project, save it as a .FLA file and name it firstname + lastname + City . Export the project as a .SWF file. Turn both file types into the classroom

File Size: 396 kb
File Type: docx

City Animation Examples

Flash Snowboarder

The previous projects we use computer generated formulas to define the movement (called tweens). In this project, we will learn frame-based animation techniques.e of Adobe Flash. It can be a little bit more time consuming, but it is easier to create exactly the type of movement your envisioned.

This project will teach you how to utilize the onion skin feature It is useful to create smooth, consistent movement with the frame-based technique. You will also learn how to create separate scenes within one animation project. Use the provided files and video tutorials to learn how to create this project. If you run into any problems, the instructor will be available as a resource.

When you have completely finished, use the rubric to make sure you are meeting the project requirements. Export your project as a .MOV and .SWFproject and name it firstname + lastname + snowboarder (ex : lmillersnowboarder.SWF).

File Size: 4 kb
File Type: png

File Size: 4592 kb
File Type: pdf